Meaning in Numbers
use numerology in your daily life

The Unspoken Language
What Is Numerology?
The study of symbolism and energy behind numbers.
We are constantly giving and receiving energy, the hard part is learning how to use it.
Numerology develops our awareness of how different energies interact with each other.
Each day provides unique energy we can use if we learn to identify it with numerology.
This also means each person is connected to the unique energy of their day of birth.
Learning how to use the 12 energies is what we like to call the numbers game…
Testimonials From Readings
Omar N.
"I really connected to the symbolism of my numbers. It was like the answer to the way I learn."
Zurisadai P.
"I feel like it was very accurate. You really made me feel validated in my self exploration."
Stacie A. & Roy B.
"He hit the nail on the head with me. My boyfriend's was spot on too, thank you!"
Forrest O.
"Oh man... Yeah that hit."
Jen S.
"I never realized I had a secondary number. What you shared with me about both resonates strongly!"
Becca R.
"I definitely resonate with that! Thank you!"
How Does It Work?
If there was a book with your life story in it, every single word is important.
However, knowing the title and preface of the book goes a long way.
That being said, here's how to do it:
Take your birthday: (xx/xx/xxxx)
Add up all the numbers individually: (x+x+x...=y)
This is your primary number.
If Y is 2 digits, both are important, however, you can add them together (possibly twice) to simplify: (y+y=z)
Z is your simplified primary number.
Your secondary number is the day of the month you were born.
Numbers and Their Simplified Meanings:
Important: The numbers have far more meaning than words can describe.
We are here to reflect on our life experiences and deepen our understanding of what these words and numbers truly mean.
1 | Leadership, Logic, Action
2 | Emotion, Compassion, Reaction
3 | Communication, Honesty, Creativity
4 | Practice, Repetition, Discipline
5 | Openmindedness, Balance, Travel
6 | Family, Network, Languages
7 | Solitude, Reflection interpretation
8 | Sharing, All of the Above, or None At All
9 | Completion, Adaptability, Faith
11 | Healing, Inspiration, Enlightenment
22 | Building, Connection, Discipline
33 | Teaching, Influence, Knowledge
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